grab a mirror, we’re going back to your vagina basics.
The first step to taking good care of your vagina is understanding it. Knowing your anatomy and how everything works together is super important. When most of us think of our vagina, we’re combining visuals of our external lady parts with our internal lady parts. In all actuality, it’s a bit more complex than that– stay with me as we touch on the basics.

Which V is it anyway?
Our vagina is the internal canal that leads to your cervix, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes or the area referred to as your reproductive system. The vagina is the space where discharge, cervical fluid, and menstrual travel. It’s typically about 3-7 inches long but can grow to allow for things like penetration and childbirth. I know you’re probably thinking, “If my vagina’s on the inside, what’s the space below my FUPA”? A great question actually. It’s the vulva or your outer genitals. It houses your lower lady lips, clitoris, the vaginal opening, and all of that good stuff. Understanding your vulva can also enhance your sexual experience but we’ll get to that later.

Self Cleaning? Right…
Now, This is where the confusion comes into play. When you hear “ Your vagina is a self-cleaning organ”, they’re referring to the vaginal canal. NEVER INSERT CLEANING TOOLS inside your vagina (unless instructed to do so by your doctor). It can lead to odor and irritation caused by vaginal infections like Bacterial Vaginosis. However, while you shouldn’t wash your vagina AT ALL, you should definitely be cleansing your vulva. This outer area comes in contact with a lot more than we realize and should be taken care of as such.

Keep it Ripe, Keep it Tight!
Cleansing your vulva should only consist of a warm rag (or your fingers) carefully opening up each fold and removing any dirt, sweat, residue, etc. As needed, you can utilize antibacterial soaps but whatever you do, be sure you’re not using anything with a fragrance or color. Scented soaps can throw off your pH balance leaving you more vulnerable to infection. If you have a showerhead detachment, this can also help with the cleansing of your outer peach without using soap.

Say it With Me.
Let’s recap, shall we? Understanding your vagina is super important for having a clean and healthy one. It can help create a vaginal hygiene routine or simplify the one you already have. It can also enhance your overall sexual experiences. It’s truly a win/win situation. No L’s over here in the Peach’s corner!
Where do you stand on the peach o meter? Do you already know all of this? Learn something new? Leave us a comment down below!
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