While I was preparing for the new year, my cousin and I were discussing our aspirations for 2021. It’s sort of our tradition. We go out and buy new stationery, watch tons of organization/productivity videos, and set resolutions. We talk about everything from financial goals to reading goals and we get very specific. It helps us hold each other accountable and is a great way to practice manifestation.
As we were talking, I started to realize that all of my aspirations came back to this one recurring theme, ownership. Now I don’t tangibly mean ownership like owning land or a home. I mean ownership as it pertains to knowing myself and my ability to be successful. I noticed that ownership is the difference between going with the flow aimlessly and intentionally aligning with your true purpose
After coming to this realization, I made a promise to myself to be more deliberate with the way that I show up for myself. I’ve realized that taking full ownership helps me combat imposter syndrome which is a huge burden of mine. I have this constant internal battle where I question if i “deserve” to be in the position I’m in and if I can excel the way that I have previously. This year I decided to stop it in its track every time and remind myself that I earned my spot and I will take up space.
I’ve recognized how much I thrive from having routines and I’m able to maximize my time in the best ways. I can practice what I preach and stand firm in my capacity to be great. We can talk about resolutions all day but, how are you setting yourself up for success? What word can you keep in the back of your mind to carry you throughout this year? How are you showing up for yourself and owning the moment?